Friday, June 4, 2010

G-Power II Pro


Gigabyte GeForce GTX 470

Keeping the power system is better than the reference board

Gigabyte Nvidia VGA develop their own designs. Faster than standard designs and more capable of overclocking. Gigabyte GeForce GTX 470 appears with a blue PCB, has 12 phase power to load power is divided more smoothly.

Gigabyte notebooks expected to fall populeran

Eroded smartphone notebook market, the desktop is required to store data.

Henry Kao VIP Gigabyte say share of notebooks start replaced by portable devices such as handheld devices. While the desktop PC to start his resurrection.
Like the previous prediction, the market continues to grow beyond the notebook PC sales. Turned from the annual figures, sales of smartphones reached 60 million units turned out each year. While the notebook to reach 200 million units. Smartphones next year will increase dramatically, reaching 100 million units. Smartphone market will eventually take the notebook market.

How about a desktop computer market. Looks like experienced a resurgence after a long time and falling asleep. And increased more rapidly than notebook devices. At least in one house will have a desktop computer to store all their data.

No wonder Gigabyte notebook pda remain focused products. Asus has thought when it branched out a notebook and netbook products.